Monday, February 6, 2017

Project 7 - Pacing

Project 7 - Pacing

In music, a crescendo is a symbol that tells the musician to transition smoothly from quiet to loud over a specified amount of time. A decrescendo tells the musician to do the opposite. When these two are right next to each other it’s sometimes called a “swell.”

We already know you’re swell, but can you make your comics swell over the course of some panels?

Start “quiet” and “small” and build up your comic’s intensity over the course of one to three pages. Reach a big crescendo and then restore the quiet with the decrescendo. Try to incorporate the idea of the “building” crescendo into as many elements of your comic as possible - the characters, their actions, the environments they occupy, and ultimately, the pacing. Do the sizes or shapes of your panels also change to reflect the swell? It’s up to you!

Name this file “IL220B_Lastname_Firstname_Project 7.jpg or .pdf.”

Pacing Comic is due 2/21 to be critiqued on 2/23.

Project 7 – Pacing Critique Questions

Name of the critter:
Name of the critiqued:

Does the work avoid using words?

Is the art clear? Can you easily discern foreground from background? Is the mark making descriptive? Is any of the imagery confusing?

Does the sequence look finished?

What is the subject of this sequence?

Can you follow the action or actions?  What is the complete action or story arc?

Is there ever confusion about the panel reading order?

Does the story have a clear crescendo and decrescendo? Is it fast or slow? Is it TOO fast or TOO slow? Are the crescendo and decrescendo reflected in the art? Are they reflected in the panel compositions? Are they reflected in the page layout?

How is the “acting” in the strip?  Are character’s facial expressions and body language clear?

Is the strip interesting?  Would you want to read more?  Elaborate.

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